Thursday, December 20, 2012


Again, act as if it's October.  Act as if we're living out Back to the Future and we're all merely pawns in Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox's scheme.  Man I love those movies.  Which one was your favorite?  I hated 3, loved 2 and liked 1.  All of which is completely irrelevant information.  Don't drink and blog - public service announcement.

Anyways, this whole working on my dissertation, teaching a class, taking care of twin toddler boys while their dad is gone more than half the month, and moving across the country thing (more on this in an upcoming post; work with me, it's only October right now and therefore Ty and I have no idea about this life altering news yet) is no joke. So we're catching up now to Halloween.

Perhaps not surprisingly, it was really warm for Halloween here in Austin.  Ty's mom sent these awesome furry costumes, but we couldn't wear them because it was 85 degrees.  Ty's work had a Halloween party, and I wanted it to look as if we were into the Halloween spirit and not just there for the free food and candy (isn't that what Halloween is all about though?), so I improvised.  Much like all of my parenting thus far.

The boys were golfers. Complete with sweater vests, khakis with tiny golf clubs embroidered on them, clubs (not the best choice for toddlers in an office building with very expensive technology equipment- 2nd public service announcement of the blog post) and golf balls.  We had a great time.

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