Saturday, December 24, 2011

7 months old!

The boys celebrated their 7 month birthday on a pretty cold day for Austin.  Anderson seems to like the colder weather, but Carter isn't quite sure about it yet.

We haven't been to the doctor in a few weeks, so I am not sure of their heights/weights.  They seem to be still around the same height and probably still have about a 2 pound weight difference.  Anderson has been waking up more often for food during the middle of the night the past few days, so he may have had a little growth spurt.

There haven't been any huge changes from 6 months to 7 months, but here are a few new tricks:
-Sitting up all alone for a few minutes at a time (propping themselves up on their hands)
-Rolling from their backs to their fronts
-Eating 5oz of food 6 or 7 times a day
-Chewing on everything and getting a stronger bite
-Starting to show interest in our food
-Taking two naps a day (about an hour in the morning and 2.5 hours in the afternoon)

And here are the 7 month pictures of these two bears we found....
At first, the brown bear and the blue bear seemed surprised to see us
But they warmed up to us pretty quickly

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