Monday, December 12, 2011

6 months old!

Clearly we are a little behind in our postings since the boys are now almost 7 months old. We have been keeping the boys busy with travel, hosting a Christmas party and a bad reaction to 6 month shots.  The actual shots were okay, but they got a flu shot and it made them sick for a few days.

We went to the doctor last week for their 6 month visit (3.5 months adjusted age).  The doctor was pleased with their weight gain and growth.  Carter weighs 11lbs, 6oz (3rd percentile) and is 23.1in tall (5th percentile).  Anderson is 13lbs, 6 oz (28th percentile) and 23.6 in (14th percentile).  They are holding steady at exactly 2 lbs apart; we thought Carter was gaining on Anderson, but no luck.  I also was surprised to see that Carter is still only .5 in shorter than Anderson because he seems shorter than that to me and when I told Ty this, he admitted that he cheated for Carter a little bit on the height measurement.  Anderson may be about an inch taller than Carter, but who's counting? Clearly their obsessive parents are....

The boys also continue to dominate the charts in head size.  Carter's head is 43cm (77th percentile) and Anderson's is 43.4cm (85th percentile)!  It suddenly all made sense why the little outfits that still fit their bodies so well are quite a struggle to get over their heads.

At 6 months (3.5 months adjusted) both boys are:
-Much more interested in each other (e.g., grabbing each other, smiling at each other, etc.) Therefore, the 6 month photo shoot was a bit more "interactive"
-Rolling from their back to their sides, but not all the way to their bellies
-Able to hold toys and shake them
-Putting everything in their mouths
-Drooling over everything
-No teeth yet, but clearly working on them
-Touching our faces when we hold them
-Sleeping from 7-7 (Anderson usually still gets up once between 2 and 5 for a feeding)
-Eating 6 times per day, 4.5oz. per feeding
-Able to sit up with a little support

Here are a few photos from the 6 month photo shoot:

Hey brother....
Anderson is usually much more interested in Carter than Carter is in Anderson
So Anderson tries to get Carter's attention by grabbing him 
Carter tries to stare him down and Anderson is fearless (and is probably thinking "I was going to grab your ear again, so just be glad it's your shirt only this time")
Carter is a lover, not a fighter and would prefer to just hold hands
Anderson's head is rounder, but they are looking closer and closer to the same size

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