Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ty and I decided that it would be easiest to have one place where we post updates about our boys, their health and some pictures of their progress.  First and foremost, we cannot thank you enough for your thoughts, prayers, phone calls, texts, emails, etc. about the boys.  We feel so fortunate to have so many people that already love our kids.  Thank you for all that you have done and will continue to do for us.

Just to give you a little background, our twin boys were born prematurely at 29 weeks.  I went in for a doctor's appointment on May 17 and my blood pressure was extremely high.  The doctor decided I needed to be admitted to the hospital in order to observe me and the babies.  One of the babies, Carter (formerly known as Baby A) was much smaller than his brother and they were concerned about his growth.  I was in the hospital for almost a week with constant monitoring of my blood pressure, my kidney and liver functioning, the babies heart rates and the blood flow to their placentas.  The doctors determined that I had preeclampsia, a condition associated with high blood pressure in the mom which presents many possible complications for the mom and the baby(ies) including premature birth.

On Sunday May 22, the doctors determined that my body was no longer functioning properly and it would be safest for me and the babies if they were delivered.   Carter Scott Schlegel was born at 3:07pm, weighing in at 1lb 10 oz and 32cm long.  Anderson Joseph Schlegel was born born at 3:09pm, weighing 2lb 11oz and 38cm long.  The boys were immediately taken to the NICU where they will likely reside for the next few months.

Ty and I have been very impressed with the level of care they have received in the NICU.  The doctors and nurses have been great to work with and are very supportive.  We luckily live about 5 minutes from the hospital, so we each visit 2 or 3 times per day.  The NICU is open for us to visit all day, except between 6:30-8am and 6:30-8pm when there is a shift change for the nurses.  The neonatologist calls us every day with an update and we can call the nurses at any time of day or night to see how they are doing.

Overall, the boys are doing great.  We are so amazed each day at their progress and how much healthier they look each day.  I will give more specific updates on each of them as we get them and include some pictures.  

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