(Important preface: Lying on the ground before bedtime is not the time to take the most flattering pictures of Megan. Apparently I grow an extra chin and gravitational pull is not kind to me. But you're probably reading this blog because you are interested in the boys, not me. Anyways, I digress.)
The boys and I like to read before bed. I lay on the ground and hold up the book. This is essentially an exercise in futility. The boys are rarely interested in actually looking at the book. What they are interested in is touching my face, grabbing my glasses, pulling my hair, etc. It's pretty amusing. I do think I may be working out some muscles in my arms and shoulders, so all is not lost. Here are a few photos Ty took one night:
Despite my best efforts, I cannot rotate these photos. Many apologies for my lack of tech-savviness |
The boys are clearly very interested in the plot of the book at this point |
I usually can hold it together for awhile, but I eventually lose focus on the book and just start laughing |
Carter gets a solid grip on my hair |
I think Anderson may have actually been paying attention to the book during the video, but Carter is clearly more interested in Mom's hair and glasses. Guess I'll be making better book choices in the future
love your humor