Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Movement in the Schlegel House

Remember how the boys weren't quite rolling over at the last visit with the occupational therapist?  Well times they are a changing at the Schlegel house

On Saturday morning, Carter was doing a little tummy time and seemed to be moving around more than he had in the past.  Ty and I were watching him because it seemed like he might be close to rolling over (and we looked like idiots, leaning in the direction we wanted Carter to lean and practically sitting on our hands to stop ourselves from reaching out and helping him move the last little bit).  After a few failed attempts, Carter put it all together all by himself:

While we thought Anderson was quite a bit behind his brother in terms of rolling over, he proved to us that he's got a little competitive streak in him.  He apparently was watching his big brother and taking notes.  Anderson does not like it when we are paying attention to his brother and not him, so the cheers for Carter rolling over seemed to serve as the impetus for change.  He put it all together for himself on Sunday afternoon:
Sorry for the shaky camera work on these; excited parents cannot be trusted with a video camera.

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