Monday, July 25, 2011

Yet another post about feeding...

There's really not much else to post about other than feeding and growing. Fortunately, both boys are making great movements in both of those areas.  Carter is weighing in at a whopping 4lbs, 11oz!  And not to be outdone by his older brother, Anderson is weighing in at 6lbs, 5oz!  Every time we start to think Carter is catching up, Anderson has a great day as well. It is really fun to watch them grow and begin to interact with us more and more. They can stay awake longer, lift their heads up and make extended eye contact with us.

Their feeding is steadily progressing as well.  Both boys are now receiving 4 feedings by mouth per day, or every other feeding.  They have both been consistently taking their whole bottles and breastfeeding well.  Carter has actually turned into a much better breast feeder than his brother, but we're hoping Anderson will come around someday soon. As long as they consistently finish their bottles, they will up them to 6 bottle feedings per day, and then take all feedings by mouth.  They need to do each of these steps for 48 hours, consistently finishing each feeding.  We are hoping they keep doing as well as they are and they could potentially be home in the next two weeks!  

They had their two month birthday on Friday, which means they received their 2 month shots this weekend. It was not a great day for them, but they already seem to be fairly well recovered.  Ty and I were planning to be there for it, but the pharmacy didn't have the shots ready, so the nurse gave them the shots at 2am on Saturday.  We can't decide if it was better we weren't there or not.  

Labs this week looked really good. Carter's bone growth and hematocrit continue to look good.  His direct billirubin increased, but only very slightly.  The doctor hopes this is an indication that the level is plateauing and will begin to decrease.  The doctor increased Carter's medicine for this once more, and still has more he can prescribe if Carter's level doesn't decrease.  We are hoping this won't be necessary, but we're glad it's an option.

Overall, both boys look great.  We are starting to get very excited about having them home.  The doctor said we couldn't quote him on this, but that Ty should certainly have them home with him to watch the first college football game of the season.  We'll just have to decide which team's apparel they will be wearing that day....... 

1 comment:

  1. The boys sure do meals:) Talked with Grandpa S. at church yesterday and he is so proud of the boys....and their mom and dad.
