The Schlegel boys are getting huge. Carter now weighs 2lbs 7oz and Anderson weighs 3lbs 9oz. Anderson actually seems to fit into the preemie clothing now. Carter still has to roll up his sleeves, but he's working on it. Because of these increases in size, they are now also increasing the amount of food they are getting at each feed. Carter receives 22ml every 3 hours and Anderson is now up to 1 whole ounce (30 ml) every 3 hours! They are still both receiving the growth fortifier and the doctor is pleased with how well it is working.
The doctor tried to remove the cannula today for Carter just for 30 minutes or so, but Carter did not handle it well, so he will keep it on for a few more days. The doctor is not very concerned, as Carter is really receiving minimal help through that anyway. He'd like for Carter to use all of his energy for growth, so the cannula will stay in for a little bit still.
The next milestone for the boys may be reached as early as Sunday or Monday. Their isolettes are currently kept at 28 degrees Celsius to keep the boys' body temperatures between 97.4 and 99.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the nurses are able to reduce the temperature in their isolettes one degree (to 27 degrees Celsius), they will be able to be moved to an open crib and they both will be in the same one! Reunited finally! The doctor thinks this might happen as early as Sunday or Monday, so we are pretty excited for that. This would allow for much more interaction with them and would be better for them to be next to their brother.
Another big update for today was watching both of them take a pacifier while they were being fed and actually sucking on it. The feedings still all happen through a tube in their nose, but it is a good sign that they are moving their mouths and learning to swallow and suck while being fed. The doctor may order a bottle feeding for Anderson in the next few days. Carter actually showed great signs of rooting yesterday, but again it was unfortunately while Ty was holding him, so his efforts were pretty much wasted.
It was a great day of progress for the boys which made for two very happy parents.
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