Thursday, August 25, 2011

Picture update

Having twins at home has drastically cut down my time for blogging, so here is a little glimpse of our first few weeks at home

First trip to the doctor
Anderson wanted to join us at the dinner table and he was being thoughtful about his responses to our questions.  I think we were discussing raising the debt ceiling at this point.
Anderson's favorite way to sleep
Carter's favorite way to sleep
Multitasking (holding both boys, checking email and eating a sandwich); Ty's mom was so impressed she needed to capture it on film
First family walk
The boys love the 105 degree weather
3 month birthday photo shoot
This was their celebration for getting to take their 3 month picture at home!
Then they decided they didn't like each other


  1. i am soo happy for you guys!!! the boys are so cute too and i am glad they ove the 105 degree weather... someones gotta love it!! keep the blog coming.. i enjoy reading it!

  2. We've been waiting for updates!!! Love the pictures :)

  3. The babes are so cute!!! I love the stroller you picked out - I wish they had more options when A&L were born!
