The boys are now 4 months old! In celebration of this, they have begun sleeping 5-6 hour stretches at night which has been life changing for Ty and me. The boys are now eating 6 to 7 times per day and eating about 3.5 ounces each time. They have just started cooing and smiling, but we haven't had any clear smiles directly at us. They are very close though; Ty and I can't wait!
We visited the pediatrician yesterday for their 4 month appointment. Here are the current weights, heights and head circumferences, with the percentiles for their adjusted age (e.g., for other babies born August 7th, their due date):
Carter: 8lbs, 6oz (7th percentile); 21in (10th percentile); 38cm (28th percentile)
Anderson: 10lbs, 8oz (50th percentile); 21.5in (26th percentile); 40cm (75th percentile)
The pediatrician is very happy with the growth of both boys. Carter was previously not even on the chart, so his growth is great. We do not have to return until they are 6 months old, which is great. We are done with the majority of our other follow up appointments as well. We went to the pediatric ophthalmologist fairly soon after the boys got home and their vision seems to be fine. Their retinas developed normally and we just have to go see an optometrist when they are 9 months old. We also went to the gastroenterologist for Carter. Unfortunately, his bilirubin was still slightly elevated, so he is still on medication for that and we have another appointment at the end of October. We also saw a developmental specialist who evaluated the boys. The doctor believes they are right on track for their adjusted age and we go back to visit her in a week. We also had them evaluated by a different agency focused on development and they were deemed not delayed enough to qualify for services. So overall, the boys are in great health and are progressing pretty well.
Here are some pictures of the boys:
Tummy time with Anderson |
Carter looking thoughtful; I told him to smile with his eyes and I think he nailed it |
Sesame Street shirts |
The boys often sleep and lay down with their arms in exactly the same position
This begins the series of their 4 month birthday photo shoot with Mom; Anderson was flexing his muscles here |
Just working the camera |
And this is about as close as I get to a smile from him |
And then he imitated Elvis pretty well |
Carter also knew how to work the camera (not as many shots of him because he did the smart thing and fell asleep) |
This is the closest I got to a shot with both of them looking at me
Thanks for the great shirts Aunt Emily Potter!!!!! |
Starting to break down from all the camera pressure |
And now they've both lost it |
The Trip to the Doctor
Just hanging out and waiting for the doctor, Carter working on his left hook |
Anderson after his 4 month shots
And now, the saddest picture we've ever taken: |
Carter after his shots; I don't know if the angle appropriately captures how large his lower lip was, it was pretty amazing |